Congratulations to
Mrs Mcgills Boys - 2024 Fall B League Champions
​Registration for the 2025 Winter Session is CLOSED.
​The start of the session will be January 26th.
We look forward to a great season.
See you on the ice.
Welcome to all LAIHA players.

If you are looking for information about the different sessions we offer, registration, where we play or any other questions please click on the Player Handbook or FAQ link below.
USA Hockey Standard of Play & Rules
Still need to pay the balance for your fall or winter session fees?
Click the link or Click Here to go straight to the Session
Payment Page
Follow us on Facebook.

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Laiha Rules for 2024
--- ALL LAIHA PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH USA HOCKEY. Our liability is covered through USA Hockey. Any player who plays without a USA Hockey number registration puts our league in a dangerous place from a legal standpoint. Any player who knowingly plays without registering with USA Hockey will be suspended for no less than 1 year. No exceptions.
---All Players MUST wear a numbered jersey. (Fall and Winter Session Referees will enforce this rule.
---Players who fail to make payment in full before the second game of the session will pay a one time $75 late payment fee.
---Players who owe LAIHA fees from previous seasons may not register or play until past fees are paid in full
---Goalies must be current on fees to recieve first priority
---B League Goalie team assignments will be drafted by the team Captains at the B League draft.
---C League Goalies will be drafted each year based on the prior year standings with the Championship Team recieving last pick regardless of regular season finish.
---House Rule Hybrid icing in effect:
The rule is essentially "delayed offsides" except players may not attack until the opposing team gains control. Players clear zone same as delayed offsides or referee blowes whistle for icing. Icing waved if a "breakaway" opportunity exists. Players may enter the zone when the opposing team gains control. If the goalie plays the puck, icing is waved ( No Change). It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to explain this rule to his team and it is the responsibility of referees to remind all teams of this rule as needed during play.
---Clock set to run at 22 min first period, then 18 min for 2nd and 3rd
---Last 2 minutes the clock will stop with a goal difference of 1 or a tie if the game is held in rink 1. The last 3 minutes the clock will stop with a goal difference of 1 or a tie if the game is held in rink 2.
---In the absence of a score keeper, either team may provide a clock operator to stop the clock in the last 2 minutes of a game during a tie or a one goal difference.
---A full time player who recieves 2 or more penalties in a game will be suspended after 5 multi-penality games in a 20 game session. If the Full time player accumulates 3 additional multi penalty games, that player will be suspended for the remainder of the session. ( 8 Multi penalty games total)
---A part time player who recieves 2 or more penalties in a game will be suspended after 3 multi-penality games in a 20 game session. If the Part time player accumulates 2 additional multi penalty games, that player will be suspended for the remainder of the session. ( 5 Multi penalty games total)
---2 fighting majors accumulated in 2 years from the first major will result in indefinte suspension. The suspension is automatically appealed to a hearing before a review board. The player must request a hearing for this appeal to an LAIHA League Officer
---A team may use a non rostered player when there are less than 8 players for a game. The team may use up to 1 non rostered players in that game.
---A team must have a minimum of 5 rostered players on the ice at the begining of the game or the game will result in a forfeit for that team.
---No Team may use a non rostered player in a game when they have a minimum of 8 skaters for a game
--- A non rostered player may NOT play in any game where a team has 8 or more skaters for a game without an LAIHA approval. ( The exception may be a guest player or a former player visiting ).