We are volunteers that donate our time to administrate the Lexington Amateur Ice Hockey League. Our goal is provide ice time in a safe, fair and competitive environment to adults in the central Kentucky area. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and/or comments concerning information about the league.
Darryl Gregory President ddgregory@yahoo.com 859.983.9528
Steve Campbell Officer nitrohockey@icloud.com 859.595.2645
Paul Adelfio Director LexAmHockey@gmail.com 859.983.4339
Sean Marshall Referee Coordinator Seanp311@gmail.com 859.806.2100
Mike Lewis Goalie Coordinator michaelalewis25@hotmail.com 859.230.2295
Chad Nipp Officer/ Webmaster chadnipp@gmail.com 859.576.8454
Emilee Herbolich Officer eherbo13@aol.com 859.494.3767