This handbook describes what is expected by team captains in the Lexington Amateur Ice Hockey Association (herein referred to as
the LAIHA) as well as what captains can expect of the LAIHA.
General Information
It is the responsibility of team captains to notify team players of their team assignment. Captains are responsible to notify team
players of specific game times and dates. Captains should provide their players with a written schedule.
Captains are responsible to ensure players on their team follow rules stated in the LAIHA Player’s Handbook. This includes but is
not limited to ensuring any suspended player does not play. Failure to follow this rule will result in a game suspension for the
captain, (if it is determined the captain knows of the suspended player’s status and the player plays). This rule applies to players who
have not paid their dues and are considered non-legal players.
Only team captains or assistant captains may appeal a ruling by a referee on the ice. The appeal must be made at the time of the
infraction. Continued berating or abusive behavior by the captain or assistant captain will result in a bench minor being assessed
to the team. A second infraction will result in the captain or assistant captain being ejected from the game and a bench minor. If the
captain still disagrees with the call, the captain may make a written request to the LAIHA officers within 24 hours of the game.
Captains for each team must be appointed by league officers.
Captains must be full time players.
Captains receive a discount which is determined at the beginning of each session by league officers.
Captains are expected to ensure that all players present for each game receive an equally fair amount of ice time.
If a team has less than six players (counting the goalie), the game will be forfeit to the other team. If both teams have less than six
players (counting the goalie), both teams will be marked as a loss. The captain may elect to add-on additional players. The player
must be a legal LAIHA player and a fee collected before face off.
Captains may negotiate for new players. Approval of team member changes must be approved by a league officer.
If a captain believes the opposing team is in violation of any of the rules stated in the Player’s Handbook, the captain should address
the issue with either a referee on the ice or with a league officer within 24 hours of the end of the game.
Captains will be required (or designate a representative) to help evaluate new players for allocation to teams at the beginning of each
session for both A & B leagues. This is essential to keep the B league a developmental level.
If the captain finds their team consistently low on player turnout, the captain should contact league officers for reallocation of
Captains are responsible for helping to ensure their players do not verbally or physically abuse other players or referees. Captains
should instruct their team members to contact them (the captain) if players believe members of the other team are being verbally or
physically abusive. The captain should contact the other team’s captain to address this issue as well as inform league officers of
the incident.
Captains are responsible to ensure game sheets are completed and filled out before each game. Captains must ensure players sign in
or mark the player as signed in for each game played.
Captains, at the end of the session, should take a poll of their players to determine the number of players they expect to return in the
following season. This information should be passed onto a league officer.
Team captains should designate an Assistant Captain. Preferably the alternate captain’s name should be sent to league officers.
Captains for B league should stress fun and development. It helps set a positiveand encouraging tone for players to follow.
Everyone who pays to be in the league plays. Captains are permitted to make judgement calls on their lines and may play some
players more than others (example: putting star players out more at the end of a close game to increase the chance for victory).
Having said that, a captain can not ask a player to sit out a game or play less than 3 shifts per period.
Discrimination based on skills, gender or personal feelings will not be tolerated by the league. Captains are expected to set a positive
example and favoritism, mocking players and verbal abuse is not acceptable and will result is disciplinary action.
Captains will be required (or designate a representative) to attend captains meetings to help the allocation of players among the
teams or to discuss league changes, etc.
What Captains Can Expect of the LAIHA
Captains should expect league officers to provide them with a roster of their team. Captains must contact their team players and
inform them of their assignment before the first regular season game.
Captains should expect league officers to provide them with names of players on their team who have been suspended or who do not
have legal player status.
Captains can expect a reduced session fee for their help in organizing their team.
Rules of the LAIHA Captains:
The following set of rules are presented in the following format. First, the rule is stated.
Following the rule is the fine or penalty for not following the rule.
Captains are expected to set an example for conduct for their team’s players. This includes, but is not limited to game conduct,
following LAIHA rules, etc.
Failure to meet this rule may result in loss of captain status and will be assessed full time player fees. Loss of captain status requires a simple majority vote of the league officers. The captain may appeal the decision to the disciplinary committee.
Captains are expected to ensure fair ice time is provided to their team’s players.
Failure to meet this rule may result in loss of captain status and will be assessed full time player fees. Loss of captain status
requires a simple majority vote of the league officers. The captain may appeal the decision to the disciplinary committee.